Rice Purity Test Score Meaning: Understanding the Impact of Result

First, you take the Rice Purity Test then you receive a score based on your answers. That received score reflects how ‘pure’ you are. Your score can reveal a lot of things about you.

It is just a silly game that you should know about its limitations. This game does not define you as a person but makes you more confident about your choices and decisions.

If you are a sensitive person, then it may affect you badly. Do not involve in these types of surveys or quizzes.

In this article, we will give you a brief description of rice purity scores, some statements about the different ranges of scores, and how it affects your life.

So whether you are an innocent or evil soul, join us to understand the impacts of score on your life.

What is the Rice Purity Test Score?

The Rice Purity Test score measures your purity or innocence based on your responses to given questions. College students often take this test to compare their experiences with peers.

The score ranges from 0 to 100, a higher score represents that you are living a cautious pure life.

On the other hand, a lower score represents that you are the most corrupt man on this planet.

Different point values are given to these scores. These points are added, once you complete your test.

For your better understanding we will give you some arbitrary point values of alcohol and drugs related questions.

Alcohol and Drugs

Have you ever consumed alcohol? 1 point
Have you ever smoked marijuana 2 points
Have you ever used cocaine or ecstasy 3 points

Keep it in mind that each version of the Rice Purity Test has different scoring systems and point values.

Factors that Influence Rice Purity Test Scores

Life experiences

Everyone has different life experiences, so they answer the Purity Test questions differently and get scores.

If you have never drunk alcohol, and your friend is addicted. So, both of you have different life experiences.


The score depends on honesty. If you are more honest than your friend, then it can affect your score.


Scores may vary with different age groups. Youngsters have low scores because they are less involved in risky behaviors. Also, check the Psychology Behind Rice Purity.

Mature people have higher scores because they are more experienced in every aspect of life.


Different genders have different scores because they have different experiences in life.

For example, a woman is more likely to be experienced sexual harassment, abuse, or assaults which can affect their Rice Purity Test score on the related quiz.

Cultural background

Different cultures have different effects on test scores. Liberal culture may answer the questions differently than conservative cultures.

Some behaviors and activities are normal in liberal cultures which are immoral for conservatives.

 Fun description of Interpretation of rice purity test score

Score Range
Fun Description
You did the wildest acts.
Evil person. You committed a crime.
Sheltered/ Protected
Bad person. You experienced a few things.
Innocent/ Pure
You are pure as gold.

What does your Rice Purity Test score say about you?

Don’t worry your score does not say anything about you. It just gives you some suggestions about your attitudes and behaviors in life. It reflects on your past so that you can live your life positively.

For example, a higher score indicates you are more conservative and cautious about your life experiences.

But a low score indicates you are more wild, adventurous, risky, and open-minded.

Rice University surveyed over 100,000 students to evaluate their behaviors.

The average score was approximately 71 out of 100.

The result of this survey suggests that some students have had impure or risky experiences but are not involved in dangerous and immoral activities.

The Impacts of Rice Purity Test Scores

Rice Purity Score: 100

Congratulations! You get a perfect score. It seems you are new to this world.

Some possible impacts can affect you.


  • You may feel proud of yourself.
  • People may judge you and make assumptions. They think you are too innocent.
  • You try to maintain your high scores and avoid bad habits. Sometimes you feel so pressured it can create anxiety or stress

Having this perfect score doesn’t mean that you are a moral person.

Rice Purity Score: 89-70

If you got 89-70, you have checked off some crazy things and are involved in all adult stuff.


  • You may explore the meaning of self-discovery. You learn something new about yourself.
  • Others may make assumptions about your personality
  • People think you are not pure or innocent enough and involved in risky behaviors.
  • Surely, you feel pressured to improve your score

A score between 89-70 doesn’t mean you have an immoral personality.

Rice Purity Score: 49- 20

You are below the average. It is nothing wrong to say that you are impure. You are addicted to crazy behaviors and involved in adult stuff. Also, check the Is it Harmless Fun or Source of Stress.

If you are involved in activities like relationships, smoking, and drugs then you should maintain your boundaries.


  • An average score can motivate you to understand your boundaries, values, limitations, and comfort zones.
  • You may feel less obliged
  • It can promote a sense of open-mindedness.
  • You may expand your horizons.
  • You get an opportunity for your personal development and more learning.

Interpret your Rice Purity Test as a lighthearted tool.

Rice Purity Score: 9-1

You are wild and evil. You commit a crime that nobody can do. No one is as evil and corrupted as you.


People perceive you as the more experienced guy who is involved in crimes and adventurous activities.

  • With low scores, you are influenced by peers.
  • You have a broader perspective on life experiences
  • You may learn from your past experiences
  • You are more under social stigma and judgments from others.
  • It allows you to assess your decisions and choices in life.

Remember that this online survey is not your character certificate. It just helps you to evaluate your past.

Understanding the Impacts of Your Rice Purity Test Result

Makes you more confident:

  • Higher scores impact your self-confidence.
  • Your high scores can be a source of pride and happiness.
  • Rice Purity Test provides a framework to assess your attitudes and behaviors confidently.
  • It provides validation that you have made an authentic decision about yourself.

Impacts on your social life:

Your social life and relationships are affected by the Rice Purity Test scores.

  • Higher scores make you more conservative towards sex and drugs.
  • It can be an icebreaker and makes healthy and strong social bonds.
  • If your score is less than your peers, then it can affect your social interactions within the peer groups.

Remember, the test is just one aspect of your social life. Surround yourself with non-judgmental social groups.

Effects on your mental health:

Your Rice Purity Test result can affect your mental health and well-being.

  • Low scores may lead to anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health issues.
  • It may lead to feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO) is caused by having low scores.
  • Mental health is disturbed by the concerns of being judged and fear of shame.

Impacts on your future career:

Generally, your future career is also affected by the Rice Purity Test scores.

  • Employers of your company may check your history or search for your personal information.
  • Some employers add the Rice Purity Test in their hiring process.
  • Candidates take this test. It helps employers to hire trustworthy staff for their company.
  • Your score is an indicator of professionalism and decision-making skills.
  • Responsible behavior in your personal and professional life can positively affect your career.

Impacts on your physical health:

Your physical health and safety are also vulnerable to your scores.

  • You are physically unfit if you get low scores on the Rice Purity Test.

(It means you are involved in sexual experiences, substance abuse, and smoking).

  • Your mental health can ultimately affect your physical health.
  • Questions on this test about piercing or tattoos can influence your physical health.


What is the average score of the Rice Purity Test for boys and girls?

61.40 are the average score for boys, and 63.8 are for girls.

What is the meaning of different score ranges?

The different score ranges give the idea of your experiences on many activities in the past, but it does not define you.

How can I use my Rice Purity Test score to shape my future?

You can use your scores to think about your goals for the future. It motivates you to avoid risky behaviors and experiences which you have done in the past.


By now, you have cleared all essential points about Rice Purity Test scores that will surely help you to improve yourself.

Rice Purity Test is just a blueprint that helps you to understand what is good and bad for your future.

Respect and celebrate the diversity of experiences and understand the impacts properly for your well-being.

Edward C Long

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